A downloadable game for Windows

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Z to jump
X to attack
C for inventory
Esc for menu
arrow keys to move (down blocks)
arrow keys to select (z presses)




Project Piso

Two Filipino eskrimadors will settle what they started in 1762 with an old enemy in 20XX.. With the three of them being immortal, however, this will prove difficult. The enemy is clever, and though our heroes are skilled, one is lazy (but very cool, he has sunglasses), and the other is reckless (but a 1337 h4x0r.)

Look, I'm gonna be real with you buddy, we're pretty much doomed, aren't we, like we these heroes really ain't it..Project Piso! Coming soon!

Pssstt... Hoi! If you want to give me $5.00 it will buy me a cup of green tea.. This will definitely help with development of this game and many more to come..





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Click download now to get access to the following files:

pisofork.zip 177 MB

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